Yesterday Jane and I and Trevor and Abby went fishing at a new spot near our house. The day was perfect for fishing, overcast and not too hot. The fish weren't biting too well, but within minutes Abby caught a momma catfish who was about to lay her eggs. She was 18 inches long and about 3 pounds. Abby caught her on a 2lb. test line. The fish fought well and tried to snag the line on the weeds and around the pier pilings. It took a lot of finess and the help of three experienced fishermen to land her. They were pretty embarassed because they hadn't caught anything but a few baby Bluegills all day. They all rubbed her head for luck. Trevor landed a small Largemouth Bass with beautiful markings by himself and Abby caught another baby Bluegill. Abby got the biggest fish of the day. Trevor landed the most beautiful fish and also won the prize for the most patient, handsome, and best dressed ( for his magnificent T-shirt) fisherman of the day. We released all the fish (especially the momma) to live and fight another day. A good time was had by all!!!
I live not far from the shore of Lake Michigan where I experience a wholly unstructured life of writing, drawing, thinking, walking, tinkering, and reading. What I like most is learning about things and passionately sharing the good stuff I find along the way. Some odd muse inspired me to create this blog. The title reflects my belief that I already have everything I need to be perfectly happy.
Off and on throughout my life I have kept various paper journals. These are collections of random thoughts, sketches and observations. Every Sunday I will share a page in the hopes that sometime during the week you'll be inspired to capture some of your experiences also. Remember: Awareness is the path to enlightenment.
Notable Quotes
Vision without action is meerly a dream. Action without vision just passes the time. Vision with action can change the world!
Life will bring you pain all by itself. Your responsibility is to create joy. -- Milton Erickson
Haiku Corner
The day was born wearing a sullen gray cowl over its blue face.
Like meteorites from outer space, ice crystals pelted my windshield.
A winter sunset: the day's final light hidden by a bright-edged cloud.
Soft white snowflakes veil morning sun... by mid-afternoon veil the landscape too.
Covered with ice mailboxes wait patiently for the morning news.