Friday, June 26, 2009


Sully (4) and Charlie (1½) are vacationing with me and Gramma this week. It’s been an adventure and a privilege to be a part of their world for a bit.
So… yesterday I woke up to this.
“Poppa, it’s five-four-five.”
“Sully, it’s a bit early, don’t you think. Come, get in bed with Poppa.”
“Poppa, what’s the plan?” said Sully, snuggled in between me and Gramma.
“Well,” I replied, “your aunts and cousins are coming to go swimming with you today. And I’m going to work to think about a workshop.”
Sully thought about this a minute and said, “Maybe you’ll see Santa. He has a workshop!”

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Two of My Favorite People

Ran across this photo taken this past March in Chicago while searching through my files. Don't know why I never shared it before; I think it's an awesome picture of Trevor and Abby together (something that doesn't happen very often).

I'm still trying to figure out a good way to organize my photos (something I haven't solved in 40 years of picture taking). Although I'm pretty good at most things digital somehow saving and retrieving my pics somehow continues to elude me. Guess I need some lessons from Bec.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Ripstick Girl!

Abby paid Jane and me a visit this weekend and brought her "Ripstick" (kind of a snowboard on wheels) with her. We had never seen one before. She amazed us (and the rest of the neighborhood) with her Ripstick skills. Abby proved once again that she is an incerdibly athletic and determined eight-year old who seems to be able to master anything. Enjoy the video!

Friday, June 12, 2009

Chess Master

Lately Trevor has become quite the Chess player. I'm going to have to work on my game because it's a challenge to play with him. Recently, while his Great-Uncle Chris was in for a visit, Trevor challenged him to a Chess match. Chris is White and Trevor is Black (in this case, Brown). Notice who has captured the most pieces!
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