Sunday, January 18, 2009

Graduation Day!

Yesterday Jane and I were priveliged to attend laura's graduation from the University of St. Francis with her degree in Educational Leadership. We're proud to say Laura has always been a leader and she will make a fine principal some day soon. Here are a few photos and a poem I wrote to commemorate the occasion. Laura, we're proud of you!

Let’s celebrate the journey
That began not with a step,
But a smile
You used to connect,
To brighten the lives
Of those who knew you.

This new journey
Began with a single drive,
A commute from farm to city
To gain wisdom,
Wisdom you’ll use to serve,
To lead, to celebrate success.

A widening circle of smiles,
This time on other parents’ children,
Once again!


  1. We were there in Spirit! Love the poem.

  2. Way to go Laura! Thanks for posting some pics Dad!
