Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Bunny Surgery

Life always has its ups and downs, but when you're a stuffed bunny who belongs to a little girl who is very intent on exploring every corner of her new world it can be especially precarious.

Recently Beatrice Bunny had an unfortunate mishap that required a bit of minor surgery. Fortunately Olivia's Gramma is a pretty good amateur surgeon (and a fair seamstress as well) and with a bit of assistance from Olivia (and a few fervent prayers) Beatrice is as good as new and ready for more adventures.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Grow Your Own Fresh Air

Kamal Meattle in an effort to reduce headaches and asthma in thickly polluted India researched NASA documents and concluded that a set of three plants dramatically improved air quality. Check out this slide show that describes the plants and his project from this year's TED Conference.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

B-Day Times 2

This weekend two of my favorite people celebrated their birthdays and Jane and I were lucky to be there to enjoy the festivities. Sully was celebrating number 4... and Andy? Well let's just say he wasn't running around showing everybody how many fingers old he was. Regardless Andy, Sully and everyone else had a fabulous time. let's do it again next year!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Growin' Up Fast

Olivia and her Mom came out for a visit today. Every time Jane and I see O she seems older and has new skills to show off for us. She talks all the time and even though she doesn't have her words figured out yet its fairly easy to tell just from her expression and body language what she's saying. O really seems to know what cell phones are all about... perhaps from observing her mother? Here she is talking to her #1 boyfriend, Daddy! We think she'll probably need her own phone pretty soon.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

A Fantastic Cook

Jane has been doing a lot more cooking since we've retired. And it seems to me that her already considerable skills are improving all the time. Yesterday we had my college roommate and his wife over for dinner. Jane spent most of the day preparing an amazing dinner . I managed to take this photo of Jane making the final preparations. The dinner was an unqualified success and I think Jane looked pretty amazing too. I think its obvious why I love her so much!

Monday, February 2, 2009

My New Bread Machine

The girls gave me a Bread Machine for my birthday. It's got to rank as one of the best presents I've ever received. It's worth it even just for the smell of just-baked bread in the house. I've already baked (and eaten) two loaves and they turned out great! As Bec says I'm totally obsessed. I cant wait to bake cinnamon- raisin bread. I'm dreaming about perfectly crunchy loaves of sourdough. And I'm sure homemade pizza dough and French bread are in my future. I'll remember this birthday and my daughters' thoughtfulness every time the house fills up with the smell of fresh baked bread. Thank you girls (and your husbands too)!!!