Sunday, February 22, 2009

B-Day Times 2

This weekend two of my favorite people celebrated their birthdays and Jane and I were lucky to be there to enjoy the festivities. Sully was celebrating number 4... and Andy? Well let's just say he wasn't running around showing everybody how many fingers old he was. Regardless Andy, Sully and everyone else had a fabulous time. let's do it again next year!


  1. AWESOME pictures! It was a great party:)

  2. Great pictures! Your new camera does a wonderful job--clear, brilliant color and detail. I would love a full size copy of the bottom picture of Sully--you've really captured that wonderful smile of his.

  3. I love the pictures as well. I can't believe Sully is 4! It was a great party and we were so glad that everyone could make it.
