This Wednesday and Thursday Jane and I were lucky enough to have Olivia for an overnight. The three of us had a wonderful time playing games, pretending, visiting Great Grandpa and Mimi, and just hanging out. But the highlight of the visit was a trip to the Dupage Children's Museum in Naperville, IL. The museum is filled with interactive activities for young children of any age and O had a blast investigating as many things as she could in our 3-hour visit. It was great fun just following her aroung from activity to activity as the mood struck her. As you can see from the pictures Gramma is still just a kid at heart. It was hard to tell who was having more fun, Gramma or Olivia. And as for Poppa... it was a great priviledge just to witness his two favorite little girls having so much fun together. It's a memory I'll treasure for the rest of my life.

At the Museum

On the Drums

The Next Picasso

Making Music


O Makes a Friend

Having Fun

Collecting Rubber Duckies

Asleep in Gramma's Arms