Sunday, July 5, 2009

Charlie Loves Grapes

One thing Charlie loves to do is eat, and one of his favorite foods is grapes. It's been a bit of a challenge to keep the fridge filled this summer with the grandkids visiting so often! And Charlie is certainly doing his part to keep us making trips to the grocery store.
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  1. When he finds something he likes, it's hard to keep it in stock!

  2. I especilally like the last photo. Looks like Charlie is thinking to himself: "You're not thinking of taking any of these, are you?"

    Glad to hear you're having as much fun with the GKs this summer as we are. And, one more to add to the mix coming right up!

  3. My oh my what a great group of pictures. Mike you are doiing a wonderful job. Thanks for makiing me part of this. Jane and you are really enjoying the grandkids!! Karen
