Sunday, January 3, 2010

Winter Sunset

I'll be glad to see the days get longer eventually, but there's something I love about the shorter days at this time of year. It's easy to see both sunrise and sunset... they kind of frame my day. The quality of light at the end of the day is absolutely beautiful. There's something about it that makes you want to be at home with your loved ones and a hot bowl of soup or stew. There's a reason they're called comfort food. The cold and dark makes me want to draw into myself, be close to those I love, and focus on whats most important in my life... friends and family.
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  1. Great picture!! Dusk is my favorite time of day!!

  2. I agree! It makes me crave mom's chili in the crockpot!

  3. I hate to admit it but I do love the shorter days too.
