Sunday, February 14, 2010

Happy Birthday, Abby and Sully

Yesterday Abby and Sully celebrated their birthdays at Poppa and Gramma's house (Trevor calls it "The Family House"). I've never known two children who deserved a party more. Abby and Sully both enthusiastically embrace everything that comes their way. I feel certain that their best gift was just spend time with each other and the whole family. Sully has been excited the whole month, waiting for his birthday celebration. He wanted a Mario Birthday cake and I understand that when he and his Mom picked it up he exclaimed that it was everything he imagined it would be... Gramma and I felt the same way about the party.

Abby is an amazing young lady who takes after her mother and seems to know everything about everyone in the family and enjoys nothing better than a good old fashioned family gathering. She truly appreciated all her gifts. I think she will be the most fashionable girl at home and on her future trip to Disneyland this spring.

I should mention that Trevor and Alex enjoyed the party and the excitement as much as the birthday kids and that Olivia and Charlie were especially helpful in helping with presents and cake. Thank you everyone for making it a great day. MaryAnn and Marilyn, we missed you, but we know you were there in spirit.
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  1. It is truly amazing to watch your kids grow up and see them develop their own personality, as well as some traits that definitely look "familiar!"
