Sunday, February 14, 2010


We've been fortunate lately to have Laura's mother-in-law, Marian, attend Thanksgiving dinner and a family birthday party for Abby and Sully. I always enjoy visiting with her and sharing my grandchildren with her. It's easy to see she loves and appreciates them as much as Jane and I do. I can't think of anyone who enjoys the family, the fun, and the food more than she does. Her energy and enthusiasm always seems to add a bit of sunshine to the day no matter what the weather ... and the twinkle in her eyes always makes me wonder if she's up to something. Perhaps that's why my grandchildren seem drawn to her. I think it's the child in her that seems to come out at these parties. Whatever the reason, Marian, we love you and you're always welcome to join us!!!
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  1. Amazing that Charlie will actually sit still for stories!

  2. Thanks for including her!!
