Monday, August 30, 2010

Biking with Olivia

I had a chance earlier this summer to go biking with Olivia and her dad. I was looking forward to the excursion because I have been enjoying biking myself so much lately and was looking forward to adding Olivia and Matt to the experience. I thought it was the bike ride that was going to be fun, but just getting to see Olivia and Matt having so much fun together turned out to be the best part. It was priceless, actually. I can see they are going to be BFF. Thanks for letting me share these precious moments!
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  1. Yay!!! I'm so glad you blogged. These are great photos! O and Matt had tons of fun too.

  2. Mary Blessing30/8/10 8:52 PM

    These are the BEST of Olivia and Matt!
