Tuesday, August 31, 2010

A Day With Thomas

Jane and I decided to take Sully and Charlie to see Thomas at the Railway Museum in Union, IL. Unfortunately it was the hottest day of the summer (it really was!). Fortunately we had a blast. The boys loved seeing all the trains, especially Thomas. There's lots of stuff to see and do and the boys loved running from one thing to the next. Everyone at the museum was super nice (most of them are volunteer railroad buffs who love to see the next generation of kids develop a love of trains). We all kept well hydrated ( thank goodness for bottled water and snowcones) and everyone had a great time. Bet we'll go back next year!
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  1. They are still talking about how they got to ride Thomas!

  2. I remember that day...it was SUPER HOT!!! Glad you had fun.

  3. What a great opportunity for the boys!!
