Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Tall Ships

This summer has been filled with activities with the grandkids, but Jane and I decided to take a day for ourselves and go see the Tall Ships at Navy Pier. We had regretted that we missed them the last time they were in Chicago and didn't want to miss them again. We waited in line a half hour to see several of the ships and an hour and a half to see the Bounty, but it was worth it. Jane and I loved spending the time together exploring the ships and people watching. I think we enjoyed both equally.

The day got me thinking about when Jane and I used to fantasize about taking off and sailing around the world by ourselves without a care in the world (we would miss our children and grandchildren). We both love spending time together so much that we know being together 24/7 on a small ship in a big ocean would be no problem. Even though we'll never actually do it the day at Navy Pier proved once again that we still have as much fun after all these years as we did when we were dating. Jane, I love you!!!
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  1. Glad you and mom got to have some "grown-up" time this summer!

  2. I had forgotten, but I totally remember that you two wanted to sail around the world. We would miss you miserably, but it is fun to dream.

  3. I am glad that you had a date day!! However, we would miss you way too much to have you sailing around the world!!
